Everything you need to install and configure your blogger template.
HyperMag is a pixel perfect responsive news & magazine blogger template. In this documentation we provide all the necessary steps to configure it easily.
SeoFlex is a SEO friendly & flexible responsive blogger template. In this documentation we provide all the necessary steps to configure it easily.
SmartMag is a powerful, flexible and fully customizable blogger template. In this documentation we provide all the necessary steps to configure it easily.
Casper is a simple, clean, flexible & powerful responsive blogger template. In this documentation, we provide all the necessary steps to configure and customize this blogger template.
La–Beauty is a professional and fully customizable blogger template. In this documentation, we provide all the necessary steps to configure and customize this blogger template.
Complete guide and video tutorial to help you easily configure and customize the Techspot blogger template.
BuzzSpot is The #1 Professional, Flexible & Highly Optimized Viral Blogger Template. In this documentation you will find all the necessary steps to configure your template correctly.
Amazen is a professional affiliate shop and classified ads blogger template. See in this documentation how to create your professional affiliate site.
Magspot is a Professional, Flexible, Fast and Fully Customizable Responsive Blogger Template.